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Frequently Asked Questions

Brides and grooms should book appointments six to twelve months in advance to receive proper advice and information regarding formal wear attire and clothing. Remember advice is always free! A clothing presentation will be given to the bride and groom. During this presentation, the groom will try on his attire.

If you are wearing a suit to your wedding, the initial fitting should be six months prior to the wedding. If an alteration fitting is needed, it should be done 3 months prior to the wedding. Suits can be picked up three to four weeks before the wedding.

If you are wearing a tuxedo, fittings should be done three months prior to your wedding. Two days before your wedding, everyone should pick up and try on their tuxedos to ensure the right fit, (we insist upon it) and allow time for any adjustments, if needed. Tuxedos should be properly hung so they don’t wrinkle! Remember to always return your rental on time to avoid late fees.

Following these guidelines will allow you plenty of time for alterations so you are not worrying about your attire on your wedding day.

Our store offers out-of-town measurements. Our easy-to-use forms can be done at home with a tape measure and tailor suit. Please contact Richard Lewis Formal Wear today at 781-828-9110.

When you come into our store, we will ask for the following information:

  • Location of Reception
  • Time of Ceremony
  • Color of Bride’s Dress
  • Color of Bridesmaids Dresses
  • Tuxedo Use Date
  • Pick Up Date
  • Return Date
  • Name of each person getting a rental

For our first-time renters, you will need the following items:

  • A driver’s license/permit
  • Parent or guardian’s information along with a credit/debit card

We use a standard rental contract. This is customary for any rental.

A credit card is required and must be posted on your rental contract. If one is unavailable, a security deposit in triplicate of the rental may be taken.

  • No hidden charges on tuxedos, suits, or accessories.
  • All rental items have a use date and pick-up date and must be returned on the return date that was agreed upon.
  • Missing or damaged items will have separate charges to your credit card automatically. (Prices Listed In-Store)
  • Late fees will be charged to your credit card automatically for any items not returned at the specified return date.
  • Items must be returned on hangers and in the garment bag used at pick-up.

Please do not clean or press a tuxedo/suit rental. We will take care of that for you! For any questions, please call us today at 781-828-9110!

We Can’t Wait to Dress You!